( All the flavor of baby backs, without all the work )
You will need
Favorite BBQ rub
A Crockpot / Slow Cooker
2 or 3 pounds Western Style Pork Ribs
1or 2 onions, sliced into large rings
Enough of your BBQ rub to cover the ribs you are using
BBQ sauce of choice, to finish with
Place onion across bottom of crock pot
Put rub on all sides of your ribs
Place ribs onto bed of onion
Cook on low for about 8 hours
Take out, place on tray, spread some BBQ sauce on
Place under broiler or onto hot grill to caramelize the sauce
You can see in the first photo, I served mine on mac & cheese, with the onions, which are delicious, as they cooked all day in the pork fat ( never claimed it was health food )
If you need a recipe for a BBQ rub, mine is just brown sugar, salt, pepper, smoked paprika, cayenne, garlic powder, and onion powder, but build it to your taste